Lavori Eseguiti
GEPOMAR(Adriatic Sea)
Geotecnical Consulting and assistance for post trenching activity Calpurnia Platform
SONSUB(Adriatic Sea)
Post-trenching Technical and Geological Assistance
Geotecnical Consulting and sediment assistance Imperia
SEABO/ Italia(Adriatic Sea)
Positioning Sealines
RANA Diving(Adriatic Sea)
Geotecnical Consultino and geophisical assistans post trenching activity
GEPOMAR(Atlantic Sea Spain)
Assistance and positioning services Huelva
RANA Diving(Adriatic Sea)
Geotecnical Consulting and sedimentology assistance for post trenching activity
MICOPERI(Adriatic Sea)
Naomi Pandora: Positioning for Buoy deployment
Barbara C & Barbara G: Sealine & Buoy Positioning Side Scan Sonar Survey
Archaeological and sediment survey check Sunken ship SSS SBP
Sub Bottom and Sub-bottom Survey: side scan sonar & sub-bottom profiler
IDRA(Ligurian Sea)
Varazze: Sub bottom survey
MICOPERI(Adriatic Sea)
Barbare: Positioning for Buoy deployment
CNS/ENEL(Tyrrhenian Sea)
Montalto di Castro - Sub bottom survey using an echo sounder and a sub-bottom profiler.
ENEL/CNS(Atlantic Sea Spain)
Sealine monitoring 2003
AMAT IMPERIA(Ligurian Sea)
Geotecnical Consulting and sedimentology
MICOPERI(Adriatic Sea)
Positioning for survey development
CNS AGIP(Adriatic Sea)
Barbara C & Barbara G: Sealine & Side Scan Sonar Survey
side scan sonar & sub-bottom profiler
MICOPERI(Adriatic Sea)
Garibaldi: Positioning for Buoy deployment
CNS/ENEL(Tyrrhenian Sea)
Montalto di Castro - Sub bottom survey using echo sounder and a sub-bottom profiler.
AMAT IMPERIA(Ligurian Sea)
Geotecnical Consulting and sedimentology
Authority Spain(Gibilter)
Archaeology Survey with Side Scan Sonar and Sub-Bottom Profiler
CNS AGIP(Persian Gulf Qatar)
Positioning DP vessel and acoustic position
CNS/Saipem(Persian Gulf Iran)
Posizionamento Gulmar Falcon mattress sealine
CNS/ENEL(Tyrrenian Sea)
Montalto di Castro- survey using and echo - Sub bottom - side scan sonar
Micoperi/Enel(Adriatic Ravenna)
Service inspection with dgps,software hydro, side scan sonar sub bottom profiler.sealine on the
vessel Sarom VIII
Study of engineering Boeri/Magistratura(Sicilia Italy)
Inspection Shipyard For environmental pollution
Study of engineering Boeri/Magistratura(Sarzana La Spezia Italy)
Ispection artificial lake For environmental pollution
Service of position and acoustic position
CNS/Saipem(Bar Essalam (Libia)
Service of position and acoustic position
Study of engineering Boeri/Magistratura(La Spezia Sarzana)
Collecting sample on artificial lake for investigation of pollution asbestos
CNS/Saipem(Nord Adriatic)
Positioning barge AD3 for installation module adriatic Platform
Saipem(Gupco pipeline EGITTO)
Inspection and assistance of prelay survey activities
AMAT Acquedotto di imperia(Sea Ligure)
Inspection pipelile with sub bottom profiler megnetom
Micoperi (Ravenna) Egitto Suez canal
Installation platform Semman Survey SSS SBP MAGNET
Survey with SSS SBP MGT and installation plem .
Spanish GovernmentCultural Heritage(Alboran sea Atlantic ocean)
Wreck search With SSS, SBP, MGT
Micoperi (Ravenna)Adriatic Sea
Installation platform ANA Survey to check pipe and cable with SSS SBP MAGNET
Installation platform VESNA Survey to check pipe and cable with SSS SBP MAGNET
Installation platform IRINA Survey to check pipe and cable with SSS SBP MAGNET
Installation platform PLEM PFSE Survey to check pipe and cable with SSS SBP MAGNET
Micoperi (Ravenna) Egitto Suez Canal
Installation platform THEKAH NORD Survey to check pipe and cable whith SSS SBP MAGNET
Installation platform THEKAH 2 Survey to check pipe and cable with SSS SBP MAGNET
Installation platform BARBONI-1 Survey to check pipe and cable with SSS SBP MAGNET
Installation platform PLEM SSIV Survey to check pipe and cable with SSS SBP MAGNET